Distances des éoliennes aux habitations : APPEL INTERNATIONAL de soutien à la loi 10 × H


« Nous demandons aux personnes de bonne volonté de tous pays, et en particulier à celles vivant proche d’éoliennes industrielles et pensant qu’une telle distance des habitations est une mesure juste et nécessaire, de signer cet appel et de le partager le plus largement possible. »
Setback = 10H

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Texte de la pétition en anglais :

The Lower House of Polish Parliament (Sejm) passed a bill providing for the mandatory setback of industrial wind turbines from people’s residences and “valuable natural areas” of 10 times the height of a wind turbine.
During the parliamentary debate members opposing the law claimed that wind farms are basically noiseless and have no negative impacts of any kind on rural residents and their property and lives. Until now wind turbines have been erected in Poland as close as 300 metres from homes.
At present, Poland has around 3,000 industrial turbines. Due to the dense settlement pattern in rural areas in Poland, many Polish rural residents have had ample opportunity to experience their negative impacts. Further development under present rules would also produce more villages or settlements surrounded by wind farms. Under particular pressure from wind farm developers have been areas in northern and southern Poland that were recognised in the past as especially valuable in term of nature and landscape.
Currently, the Polish and international wind power lobby continue their efforts to delegitimize the Polish legislation by arguing that the record of industrial wind power development worldwide in no way justifies greater setbacks of wind turbines from people’s homes.
Proper regulation of wind farm developments is an issue that transcends any political divisions, state borders or ideology. It is necessary to safeguard the basic civil and personal rights of rural residents and the future of rural civilisation in general.
We ask people of good will from every country, and especially those with a direct experience of living next to industrial wind farms, who believe that the said setback of wind turbines from people’s home is a necessary and fair measure, to sign this appeal and to share it as wide as possible.
This appeal will be presented to the Polish Parliament.

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